Today, Hadley and I went up to school to have lunch with Ross. He is finishing up his first semester of school and finals start tomorrow! (on his birthday) We got there a little early, so Hadley and I went shopping in the OSU Bookstore....
THE SCENE: I have a 4 month old in my arms....three bags on my shoulders...Hadley's coat that I just took off of her in my hand...the item that I was about to purchase in the other hand....getting my wallet out of my purse that is still on my shoulder...paying the woman...collecting another bag...and carrying Subway sandwiches, chips, and cookies for lunch!
Ross gets out of class and we all head over to the tables in the atrium. Ross is holding Hadley at this point. Everything is ready to start eating, except for drinks, so Ross is going to go into the same bookstore that I was just in to get us some...
THE PUNCH LINE: Ross looks at me, hands Hadley to me and says...."I NEED BOTH HANDS TO GET THE DRINKS" To get two CANS of soda...he needs both hands! You can imagine the look on my face as I say, "You're kidding, right?"
I guess it is something only mother's can understand. It is truly amazing what you are capable of doing with no hands or may even result to using your feet at times.
He is an amazing daddy, and even though he needs BOTH hands, he works so hard with those hands to provide a good life for his girls...I am nothing but grateful!
I love you, babe!
HAHA classic!