Saturday, November 1, 2014

Beau Nathan: Two Months Old

Beau Nathan, you are two months old! 
Weight:  14 pounds 5 ounces and 90th%
Length:  24 inches and 88th%
Head Circumference:  16 1/4 inches and 97th%
Sister is running while we are taking pictures...

You started smiling around 7 weeks old...

For the longest time you were going to bed around 10:30, waking up around 4:30 to eat, and then back to bed till 8:00 or so.  NOW you are going to bed between 10:30 and 11:00 and not waking up until is fabulous! 

You are still sleeping in our room...for no other reason except Mommy doesn't want you to leave  :)  We don't disturb each other and you are just so sweet.  You really love and sleep well in your "rock and sleep" thing.  (Thank you Brandy for the tip...Love That Thing!)

Most people usually only have one or two nicknames...You might be up to twelve by now. 
Here are just a few:
Beau Nathan
Mister Mister
Buddy Bud

You are the sweetest little thing and a blessing to our family.  Love you Bub.  

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