Sunday, April 4, 2010

22 weeks

I'm pregnant! Ever since I found out I was pregnant, I have been told to "journal" everyday, so I can remember everything! Well...there are only so many times you can write... "I am sick, I am nauseous, I am vomiting...I am sick, I am nauseous, I am vomiting...I am sick, I am nauseous, I am vomiting..." As sick as you are of reading it, I was sick of living it. Now that I am 22 weeks along, I feel so much better and am now feeling like "journaling."

So to begin:

Ross and I found out we were pregnant on Ross' birthday, 12.3.2009. We were so excited! We had been praying for so long about getting pregnant, medical school, along with a multitude of other decisions. The Lord gave Ross and I a promise in the Summer of when we found out we were pregnant, we knew it was a gift from Him.

In the beginning, it was rough! I remember crying uncontrollably, with my head in the toilet, promising Ross that we will only have one child! If he wanted another one, he would have to "carry" it. All I knew is that I have been on the floor, on my hands and knees, head in the toilet, in too many public restrooms. After being sick for so long, the nausea finally subsided at about 16 - 17 weeks.

At 18 weeks, we went for our ultrasound. Going into the ultrasound, I thought we were having a boy, and Ross really didn't have a notion either way. I was shocked to find out...we were having a GIRL! This will be the first girl grandchild on my side of the family!

Baby girl, even though we don't have a name for you yet, we are very excited to meet you. We love you!


  1. Nana is so excited to meet this sweet little bundle!!!!!

  2. And we are all so glad it is a girl because none of us wanted to have to explain the name Pason every time we took your son somewhere.

  3. Pason? Huh? I haven't heard that story yet!

  4. We are very happy that it is a little girl..But,
    we are also very proud of two little great grandsons...How many times did Ross get cursed
    when you were throwing up??? We love all of you very much.

    Love to all,

  5. I still think Peyson would be cute for a girl! or Savanna :)

  6. I didn't realize you found out on Ross' birthday! What a special gift! Congratulations!
