Sunday, July 18, 2010

Riddle Me This...

Who are "They"?

"They" say in your third trimester that you should rest up....sleep as much as you can...because all of that will be over once the baby finally arrives.

I just want to know if "they" were ever pregnant?!?

I am doing my darnedest to sleep as much as I is quite difficult when she has run out of room and is sticking her bottom a mile out of my side...head butting my bladder, making me get up EVERY 20 minutes to go to the bathroom (day and night)...poking my hip bone and ribs all at the same time...and playing with my emotions by contracting one day and not contracting at all the next!

So I ask...who are "they" and were "they" ever pregnant?


  1. They are me. I texted you that this morning. Clearly she is also affecting your short term memory...

    And by the by, "they" are right. You are so exhausted after they are born, you spend the first two weeks fairly certain the decision to breed was a mistake.

  2. I agree with Laura. You'll be trying to figure out a way to get her back into your uterus after a few nights of no sleep. You'll wonder what in the world you were ever complaing about and WHY WON'T THIS CHILD JUST SLEEP!
