Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Hey Hey Hey

Ross is almost done with finals! Yeah! To celebrate the end of the semester, OSU puts on a Holiday Ball. I was really excited about it UNTIL....I went dress shopping! Unfortunately, none of my fancy dresses fit due to my post-baby body. Wonderful! I looked and looked today and found nothing!!

After shopping all day with Hadley and my mom, we went over to Laura and John's so my babies could cheer me up...and they did :)

I tried on a pair of pants that my sister had, and my first thought was "not bad"....my next thought (while trying to sit) was "too tight!"...well, I really wasn't sitting as much as I was reclining because I couldn't bend at my waist! My final thought, while trying to stand was, "I feel like FAT ALBERT!"

Maybe this is why "they" say don't gain too much weight during your pregnancy...I probably agree with them more now, but I promise, every twinkie I ate was well worth it!

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