Our Hadders...
You are now 10 months old. You get more and more beautiful every day! My favorite family of three...
You have a total of 6 teeth now. You are starting to eat more solid foods. You love mandarin oranges, cheese puffs, popsicles, and anything chocolate. (especially hostess cupcakes with creme :)
You have officially entered the stage where you put EVERYTHING into your mouth. Mommy and Daddy have had to do the baby Heimlich maneuver on you SEVERAL times. You scare mommy every time that happens!
You have been crawling for over a month now, and it is crazy! You pull up on everything and have even begun to "take steps" while holding on. We are so proud of you!!
Your favorite toys at the moment are a spatula, the remote controls, and of course, your little mirror. You love to be where ever mommy and daddy are. We just moved into our new rent house and it has wood floors. Shortly after I leave the room, I hear the pitter patter of hands and knees scurrying across the floor. It is such a sweet sound.
You love to talk. AND you love to talk LOUD! I'm afraid you got your mommy's volume. You like to squeal and laugh a lot, and I think you are just enjoying life as you know it!
You are such a good baby. Now don't get me wrong, you do have your moments; However, for the most part, you are a sweet natured baby. Sometimes you are so well behaved, I forget you are with me in the shopping basket at Target. Well I don't forget you are with me, as much as I forget you are only 10 months old. Mommy loves taking you places with her. We are going to be best buds...just like Mommy and Nana are. :)
You are a mover and a squirmer! You love to jump and play. You are not afraid of heights, so I think you are going to make an amazing cheerleader. You also are not afraid of flipping over, so you would make an amazing gymnast as well!
You are quite the water baby. Ever since you were born, you have loved bath time. Now that summer has come, we have a beautiful beach entrance pool in our neighborhood, and you just can't get enough! You love to swim! I have to admit, last week for the first time, I dunked you. I counted to three, blew in your face, and dunked you under the water. You were such a trooper! You didn't cry at all! (or swallow any water!) I was so proud of you. Mommy and Daddy want you to learn how to swim and not be afraid of the water.
I love that your hair is growing! It is getting so curly too! I love it! You are absolutely beautiful!
You love to sing. If Mommy starts belting out a song, you will start singing along with me. We usually sing a lot during breakfast...it starts our day off great!
You are still doing your "fake" cough. When Mommy and Daddy cough or sneeze, a few seconds later you will reply with a cute little "cough"...it makes Mommy and Daddy feel special. :)
i am in love with these posts - how amazing it will be for her to look back on them one day! beautiful family :)