Monday, February 27, 2012

Joshua and Benjamin visit Hadley

Before school started up for Joshua and Benjamin after Christmas, they came to stay with Hadley for a couple of days.  Our days were packed full of fun and craziness...

At Brass Pro Shops playing in Daddy's "wannabe" boat...

When the boys are here, Hadley rarely takes her eyes off of them.  She loves them so much!  

She really loved their sleeping bags.  She most definitley would have slept in there if I would have let her...although there would probaly be more giggling than sleeping.

We went to the Aquarium one day...

Why are Benjamin's sleeves rolled up?  Good question.  I asked him if he wanted to pet a sting ray and he yelled "YEAH!"  He was so excited!  I rolled his sleeves up and told him to stick his hand in the water and he said, "NOOOO!"  My Benjamin  :)  

We spent roughly 2 hours at Chick-fil-a, eating and playing...

I love how they sit still together  :)

Of course, what is a trip to Jessi's house if we don't go to the Bounce Place.  Joshy loves this place, and that boy can make friends with a rock!  Before I knew it, he met a few other boys and they were having the time of their lives on the slides.  

Benjamin likes his space.  He doesn't really like people sitting on him...a.k.a...Hadley.  If she does, he usually tells her to move or proceeds to push her off.  One morning, Benjamin got in trouble for something, so Ross told him to sit down and NOT say a word.  Hadley saw this as a perfect opportunity!  She went right over and sat down in his lap.  Benjamin just looked at us because he "wasn't suppose to say a word" was too cute!  

The weather was nice, so we took another trip to the zoo!

I always love when my babies come to visit me!  We always make memories!

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