Friday, May 13, 2011

Heads or Tails...

I got to see my two precious boys this week! They are so generous and cuddly and I just fall in love with them more and more every time I get to see them.

Before I left them on Wednesday night, Benjamin and I played a game of Heads or Tails with his very special quarter. Here is how it went...

Jessi - "OK, I will flip the quarter and you say heads or tails...OK call it!"

Ben - "Heads or Tails!"

Jessi - " (hehe) OK this time say heads, OR say tails...OK call it!'

Ben - "Heads!"

Jessi - " won! OK, call it again!"

Ben - "Tails!'

Jessi - " won! OK, call it again!"

Ben - "Hot Fire!"

Jessi - "(heheheh) WHAT?!? Where did that come from?!? OK, lets do it again. Call it!"

Ben - "Uh...Uh...4!!!"

Oh my sweet Benjamin! You never know what that boy is going to come up with! As Nana, Hadley and I were walking to the car to head home, I yelled back at Benjamin, "I Love You Benjamin!" And I swear he lowered his voice two octaves and yelled back, "I Love You Jessi!" That boy melts my heart!!

While we were watching American Idol, Joshy was getting sleepy so he laid his head in my lap and fell asleep. I enjoyed every minute of cuddling with my Reuben.

I sure miss seeing my boys every week, but I love spending time with them every chance I get!

Boys, just know that Jessi loves you "To The Moon and Back!"

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