Tuesday, April 10, 2012

90 Minute Bike Ride

It's back to the grind...except for the fact I am really enjoying the "grind" this time.  After Hadley being sick, and me being sick, and then Hadley being sick again, our world kinda just stopped for a couple of weeks.  We had lots of pajama days to say the least.   We are all finally healthy and I am able to start back with my trainer.  

Have you ever had one of those dreams, where you are running away from something as fast. as. you. can!...and you aren't going anywhere?  Like your feet are just cemented to the floor!  Well, that is how I felt at my training session on Wednesday.  I had to hop from one foot to the other from side to side touching a cone with my inside hand/pulling it across my body.  That's they best I can describe it anyway.  One would think, "that looks pretty easy"...well, one would be wrong.  I had to do this for 1 1/2 minutes.  Again, one would think, "That's nothing!"...Again, one would be wrong.  In the normal world, 1 1/2 minutes is nothing...in the exercise world, it is a lifetime!  But in the end, I got a good workout and having my trainer there really is helpful for motivation to keep working at it. 

Also, I have started weight watchers again, after a short hiatus.  I love it basically because I can still EAT!...everything in moderation.  So far, I've lost 7lbs in 3 weeks.  I'm super pleased!  Ross is kinda doing it by default (because I cook the meals :) and he has lost weight too! 

I know I comment on the weather a lot, but it's just so wonderful.  It's almost like I can breath again! 

Tonight, we took our bikes out to Riverside and rode for 90 minutes!  We loved it!  As I was pedalling, and Hadley was in her bike trailer, I just thought how grateful I am.  I am so blessed by a wonderful husband who loves me and our daughter with a passion, and a beautiful, sweet, genuine, little girl who can't give enough hugs and kisses to her Mommy and Daddy.  I love my life! 


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